Thursday, October 14, 2004

Reply to Elliot

You're right, just a matter of cut and paste *adds link to Curiosity*

I'll let you know how the a3 opening pans out. I'm sick and tired of the pawn-knight-knight-white bishop blah blah splat option that has hitherto been my (not wonderfully successful) default opening.


Elliot said...

FYI that's actually a rare opening; most people would move the bishop on move 3, and the queen's knight often won't move for a while.

emma said...

heh. not rare round here.

I like bish to c4 as a third or fourth move. if the black queen does not come out to defend, i sometimes sacrifice by going f7 next, thus messing up the defence. But i then have to play v. v aggressively to try to press home an attack from there - it's a bit early and i told you i'm reactive by nature...

but anyway, white bish to c4 is an uncomfortable square for black, so i often do it.

emma said...

in a grand attempt to lose any readers before even posting anything interesting, I've changed the URL to:

there are new posts there...

Elliot said...

You can't play 4. Bc4 in 4-knights opening. Well, you can, but it gives black equality, because of Nxe4 pawn!! when you recapture black plays d5 (queen pawn forward 2) forking your bishop and knight.